Wednesday, 5 June 2013


Shot of the Day
Wauchope Cottage

I had an appointment at the Health Centre this morning for my regular INR blood check, this is to regulate my intake of warfarin which I have to take due to a nasty health scare a couple of years ago. That done my next task was to collect some flowers I had ordered at Cochrane's Nurseries near Longtown. Instead of going down the A7 I decided to go via Harelaw, Penton etc.  I stopped off at the moorland feeder station where I took the opportunity to fill up the feeders. I'm not an active volunteer for filling the feeders so I do apologise to anyone who follows me and find they have had a wasted journey.

On the track up to the feeders I managed to get a grab shot of a Hare

It didn't take long for a Woodpecker to arrive. 

I didn't stay too long as the midges were starting to get hungry and I was obviously on the menu so it was time to move on. The journey to Longtown was uneventful but very pleasant. It was a day for cyclists as I passed several groups of varying sizes and on a day like to day I can understand Tootlepedal's love of cycling. I really should make an effort to get fit and cycling could be a pleasurable way to do it. 

This field of Buttercups to my eye and thought it was worth a shot. They are lovely in this situation but a nightmare in the garden.

Passing through Longtown I headed to Gretna Gateway retail centre to purchase a shirt and a hat to protect my head from the anticipated sunshine that is forecast for the next few days. I manage to buy a shirt but the hats seemed to look ridiculous on me or should I say I looked ridiculous in them. Next stop was Chocrane's then home. 

In the afternoon I picked up Tootlepedal and went to see some Bluebells I had spotted just south of Skippers bridge on my journey by bus to work. We certainly weren't disappointed.

I think they may have been a day or two past their best.

We had some time to spare before a meeting we had with Niall Weatherstone to discuss the possibility of producing postcards of local scenes, so we had a quick run down the Tarras road.

We stooped to admire the reflections on the water

I had to admire the sheer tenacity of this tree.

We returned to Wauchope Cottage with enough time for a cup of tea and a biscuit in the garden before Niall arrived.
Tootlepedal looking remarkably fresh after his 50 mile morning pedal

Cyril joined me for tea


  1. The bluebells were quite a find, and the field of buttercups is beautiful too. It looks like larch trees grow at the feeder station. I never noticed them before.

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  2. Sandy.. it was my day to fill feeders, so a great help thank you.. it is very helpful so please feel free whenever you are passing.. if you would like a regular day.. monday, wednesday or friday are all going spare.. !

  3. Your skill is outstanding. You make me look almost human.

  4. I've a few of your posts to catch up on Sandy. That's an amazing field of buttercups. Don't get too friendly with Cyril, I heard a story last week of someone getting bitten by the fleas on their friendly red.
    I came through Longtown on Thursday. First time in about thirty years. It looked awfully quiet to how I remembered it.

  5. The bird in the last photo doesn't look very impressed with Cyril!
