Saturday, 13 April 2013

Little Tibet

Shot of the Day

I had arranged to meet my work colleague Alison Webster on Friday. Alison is a keen photographer and was eager to come and pick my brain mainly about the controls on her camera. Having stopped off at Samye Ling Buddhist centre yesterday on my jaunt with Tootlepedal I thought this would be the ideal place to visit as it could offered some excellent photo opportunities. 
I managed to get a shot of this Pied Wagtail as I waited at the Kilngreen for Alison.

We stopped off en-route to visit the Loupin Stanes The information board only gives suggestions as why they and the nearby Girddle Stanes are there.  These are part of the Eskdale Prehistoric Trail.

The following are a selection of the many shots I took during our visit.


Prayer wheels

This chap was very keen to show off his finery

After lunch in the Tibetan Tea Room we resumed our tour. The next port of call was the temple. We went inside where there was prayers being conducted, there was much chanting and loud drumming. To sit in on this was an experience in its self. The interior of the temple is quite stunning, Alison said she had seen nothing like it and was truly amazed. I've visited the temple on a few occasions over the years and photography inside has never been a problem but I've never been when prayers were on so I thought it was disrespectful at this time.

The Temple. 

Temple doors

Alison said she thoroughly enjoyed her day out and would visit again sometime with her family. 


  1. Thank you, it certainly was!

  2. The temple is amazing, and what a great shot of the peacock!

    1. It's an amazing sight when you see it for the first time.

  3. I love a visit to Samye Ling so will organise a Wednesday walk there soon. Many thanks for an excellent post on your blog.

  4. Hi Sandy, I'd heard of Kagyu Samye Ling before, friends of my daughters had said it was the most peaceful experience of their life. Over on Lough Erne on Inis Rath there's a fabulous Krishna temple that I've always wanted to visit. Maybe my next trip ?
    Love the pictures.

  5. It is an incredibly peaceful place Jim.
    Anne and I holidayed around Lough Erne a few years but we knew nothing about a Krishna temple or we would have visited.
